a simulated computer network inside your PC, this simulation serves to find out how to work on each of these tools and how to delivery a message from one computer to another computer can be simulated as well.

The program consists of several menus that appear on this program include:
1. Column Menu
Column Menu at the top left of this is the part that we often see in any software, which comprises among others are:
- File
- Options
- Help
On the File menu icon. we can find the basic commands such as creating a new file (New), open the file (Open), save the file (Save / Save As), print the file (Print) and also we can access the wizard via the menu activity of this file.
In the options menu, inside cover of the basic view of the data that we will create, such as animation, sound, etc. and display images.
And the last is the Help menu. Panduman help menu is one of the software where we can directly access ordinances use of this software.
2. Shortcut Column
In this section, we can see how many shortcuts like NEW, OPEN, PRINTER, SAVE, and ACTIVITY WIZARD. And on the right side, we also will find a shortcut Network Information and Help. The function of this column is to help us find something that we want quickly.
3. Columns General Tools
This section provides access to commonly used equipment workspaces. This section is a command such as: select (Select), spatial move (Move Layout), placing the note (Note Place), delete (Delete), check (Inspect), add the PDU Simple and Complex.
4. Column Logical / Physical Workspace
In this section provided two kinds of workspace, ie Physical and logical workspace. Where workspace is the logical place to create a computer network simuasi. And Physical Workspace is a place to give a physical dimension to a computer network topology. This can give the sense of scale and placement of something on a computer network environment (office, etc.).
5. Workspace (Workplace)
This area is a place where we will plan or create a network, observe the simulation on the network and observe several kinds of information and statistics.
6. Column Realtime / Simulation
In this section are two items that include: fashion Simulation and Real-Time mode, where:
- Real-Time, in Fashion Simulation is a simulation of the items that can be viewed and studied at the same time projects we have created / designed.
mode_simulation_SimPanel In the Simulation mode. we can see the simulation panel that some commands are:

Reset Simulation: to repeat simulation
- Constant Delay: Delays continue
- Auto Capture / Play: run the simulation by automatic
- Capture / Forward: run simulation
- List of Filters.
In the List Filters (protocol) among others
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is a protocol for mapping from IP address (Internet Protocol) to the physical address of the MAC (Media Access Control). For example in a network we want to send a packet to Host A, then first we must know who has the IP address page. So the ARP will membroadcast tsb question to all hosts on the network. So the IP address ( it will be answered back by sending MACnya address. The MAC address is stored in the ARP table to facilitate the search if necessary sending packets to the same destination.
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is protocol-based client / server architecture that is used to facilitate the allocation of IP addresses in one network. A local network that does not use DHCP to give IP addresses to all computers manually. If DHCP is installed on the local network, all computers that are connected in a network will get an IP address automatically from a DHCP server. In addition to IP addresses, many network parameters that may be provided by DHCP, such as default gateway and DNS server.
Enchaced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) is a Cisco protocol property that works on Cisco routers and internal route processors contained in the core layer switches and Cisco distribution layer switches.
EIGRP is a distance-vector protocols are classless and an upgraded (echanced), which gives us a real advantage compared to other Cisco protocol properties, namely Interior Gateway Routing Protocol IGRP.
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) is one of the core protocols of the Internet protocol family. ICMP is used primarily by network computer operating system to send an error message stating, for example, that the destination computer can not reach.
Different ICMP destination with TCP and UDP in ICMP is not used directly by the user's network applications. one exception is the ping application that sends ICMP Echo Request messages (and receives Echo Reply) to determine whether the destination computer can be reached and how long packets returned by the destination computer.
TCP (Transport Control Protocol), is a connection-oriented transport protocol, which provides reliable data delivery service with error detection and correction of end-to-end. This layer serves to send and receive packets that are transmitted in the network. When compared with the OSI layer, this layer includes the three lowest layers in the model, namely: Network, DataLink, and Physical layer.
UDP (User Datagram Protocol), for a connectionless transport protocol.
1. Network Component Box (box of components required in the manufacture of tissue)
This section is the place where to select the tools and connections that we will use the workspace to create a computer network. In this section there are also two items is the selection of equipment and connections and the selection of equipment and connections are more specific examples of its type connector and cable types
2. Equipment Type Selection box / connection
This section is part of the column above where, on that column is used to choose a tool that is used is placed on the workspace. The tool include Hubs, Switches, Routers, Wireless, End Devices (computers, printers), Wan Emulation, and the last is the cable.
3. Equipment Type Selection box / connection that is more specific
This section is a continuation of the above where the means or connections that we have chosen will be distributed so some kind of-its kind in more detail. Tools & tersebutlah connections that have been specified we will use in the design or manufacture of tissue with in accordance with our wishes.
4. Using Window Package Invented
This section is a package that set during network simulation scenarios we have created.
1. Select End Devices and select the computer in a column on the right. Put the computer in your own workspace.
2. Select the Hub and select the type of hub is on the right hand column of your liking, place it on workspace hub
3. Select Switches and select the type of switches are on the right hand column that you want, and place it on workspace switches.
4. Select Connection and select the type that are on the right hand column, the type of connection must be in accordance with hubs, switches and computers. And pull the cable from the hub to the computer, from hub to switch, and from the computer to the switch (easy way to select the appropriate connection to the hub and others, is to select automatic connection so the connection would choose the cable that is automatic that in accordance with hubs, etc.).
5. Clik the computer 2 times and appeared column entitled to edit PDU. Select the desktop and select ip configuration. Isilkan ip address: to the computer 1, the computer 2, please fill out the ip addresses:, and the computer on.
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